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The Advantages of Steel Structure Construction2021-01-11 08:59:56
The Advantages of Steel Structure Construction

There are so many advantages of steel products materials, including high hardness, light weight and great Deformation extension capacity, etc. So, steel materials are especially adopted to the buildings that have large spans or that are super tall or overweight.

Steel structure constructions possess many specific points:

  1. Commonly, steel structure constructions are large span with light weight.

  2. The construction of the project is relatively short, reducing labor costs and reducing the economic benefits brought by long-term employment.

  3. It has great fireproof without flammable and explosive material.

  1. Steel materials isn’t harmful to health, which reduce the raw material pollution. And steel structure constructions have excellent earthquake proof to strengthen the warranty of house.

  2. There is a high cost of recycling, and if the house is demolished for some inconvenience in later use, the steel structure can be dismantled well and recycled.